Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Trying to understand Texas Judiciary system #5

There was a quote from Frank Zappa that I found a little interesting. It says how "The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced." I agree with this statement when I think about the Texas Judiciary system to a certain degree. It is after all the least visible or least understood branch in the Texas Government. I just feel that the Texas County Court Structure is a little redundant and how interwoven they are to one another.

In Texas, there are courts that keeps records and complete transcript. Many of the courts are not up to date with technology and still has a paper file system. More importantly there are different county courts that could overlap one another. There is the Constitutional county courts that can deal with civil actions between $200-$10,000. The difference between constitutional county courts and Statutory county courts for civil members is $300. The Statutory courts's civil members is between $500-$100,000. Then Texas throws in the District courts that can do civil actions over $200. There are different quailties to each of these courts, but the civil members are pretty much the same. It could be a simple way to fall under a certain court instead of another. I just believe that less is more. This overlapping is one reason why the Judiciary system could be so confusing.

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