Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creaters of voter impersonation bill wants it to die. #4

There is a online blog article written by Phillip Martin called Voter ID bill Out of committee: Smith Believes it Will Fail (Just Like He Wanted). Martin's intended audience leans more towards the more liberal crowd of Austin. He is very open to how he feels towards the Republicans in the House by saying things like "crazy right-wing" or "pathetic republican leadership". Phillip Martin credibility is a senior adviser as on of the Burnt Orange reporters.

Martin's claim is how the Republicans created the voter suppression legislation and always wanted the bill to fail. He supports this claim by using quotes from a Republican leader named Todd Smith. One of those quotes shows Smith say, "We got a choice to make. Do we want to pass a bill or make a statement? And it's clear to me that some members that simply want to make a statement. They're not interested in passing a bill." Phillip then follows up on the quote saying that the House Republicans, and only House republicans, are the ones blocking any compromise on this legislation. There has been compromises for weeks by Rep. Anchia and Democrat Rep. Joe Heflin, but it still wouldn't do anything. We see this because Bonnen only voted against the bill once he saw that Heflin had voted for it. Phillip's logic to this means that Heflin couldn't have killed the bill even if he voted "no".

There is only a few things I disagree with Phillip. I'm not sure if I would go so far as to say that the Republican Party of Texas refuses to move an inch and doesn't show any "good efforts on anything". It is a very general point of view. However, I believe there are other election issues that should be addressed above voter impersonation. One example is how provisional ballot rejection rates in Texas are almost 80% where the average for the rest of the country is 20%.

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